Indiana Chamber of Commerce

The Indiana Chamber works to “cultivate a world-class environment which provides economic opportunity and prosperity for the people of Indiana and their enterprises.” We do that by partnering with 25,000 members and investors, on behalf of more than four million Hoosiers. Formed in 1922, the Chamber is the largest, broad-based business advocacy group in the state, representing businesses of all types and sizes throughout Indiana. Our legislative action team is the voice for pro-jobs, pro-economy public policies at the Statehouse and in Congress. Over the years, the Indiana Chamber has adapted and expanded its core member benefits to better aid Hoosier businesses.

Services Offered

  • Tax and Public Finance
  • Education and Congressional Affairs
  • Environment and Energy
  • Economic Development
  • Small Business and Technology
  • Labor Relations
  • Civil Justice
  • Health Care
  • Workplace Safety

To get more information, please contact Brock Hesler or visit their web site.

115 W Washington St #850s
Indianapolis, IN 46204

Bronze Sponsor