Lebanon, Ind. – The Boone County Economic Development Corporation (Boone EDC) is asking Boone County residents to participate in a quality of life survey.

“The quality of life survey is designed to gauge how Boone County residents feel about their community,” said Boone EDC Director of Community Development Megan Swain. “The results from the survey will be used to help guide community development efforts in Boone County.”

The survey includes 15 questions and takes less than 10 minutes to complete. Participants who finish the survey (and provide their contact information) will be entered to win a $50 Amazon gift card.

The survey is open through January 18 and can be found at www.surveymonkey.com/r/booneqol or via the Boone EDC’s social media accounts (Facebook, Twitter and Instagram).

About the Boone County Economic Development Corporation

A strong community is a united community, one that achieves balance between its residents and businesses. At the Boone County Economic Development Corporation, we seek the right economic opportunities to support strong communities and enhance the quality of life for all Boone County residents. We aim to be a catalyst for smart growth strategies. We forge mutually beneficial partnerships with organizations capable of understanding and further enriching the unique assets that the residents of Boone County have built. For more information, visit www.betterinboone.org.